RJS Bar Code Verifier – The most popular units in the world

RJS Portable Bar Code Verifiers

RJS Technologies, Inc. is the manufacturer of the Inspector series portable bar code verifiers. The Inspector series portable bar code verifiers are accurate, repeatable devices that are used world-wide to ensure bar codes will work throughout the supply chain. Simple, reliable tools that can handle the stress of an industrial environment for many years are some of the hallmarks of the Inspector series.

RJS bar code verifier Authentication Tool – Click the link below to check that you are using an authentic RJS bar code verifier
Customers in China and Southeast Asia continue to battle counterfeit RJS units.  Inspection of bar codes using a counterfeit unit does not provide companies with protection against fines, penalties, or product rejection.

Since July 2022 all bar code verifiers have shipped with a Certificate of Authentication that includes a unit specific QR code for customers to validate that their bar code verifiers are legitimate and are not counterfeit.

For older bar code verifiers, or those customers who need a replacement certificate, you can visit: Authentication Link to request your certificate.

Do NOT purchase from the following companies, they are selling counterfeit units:

ATI Trading Inc.
Suzhou Balemon Electronic Technology Co. Ltd.
Guangzhou Foru
Shenzhen Xin Ye
Haile.llc-1 (Ebay)
Slontech (Ebay)
Yanzeo (Ebay)

Latest Firmware versions:
Inspector 5000
Changes in the latest firmware: Version 1.209 Changes
Firmware upgrade instructions: Instructions
NOTE: Critical! If your unit is 1.110 or earlier you must download and install 1.204 FIRST before upgrading to the latest firmware.  Version 1.204 can be downloaded here: Version 1.204

Download latest firmware: Version 1.209

Inspector D4000
Changes in the latest firmware:Version A.17 Changes
The D4000 firmware is not field upgradeable and the cost is $125 (if unit is under warranty, out of warranty units are charged the standard flat-rate service fee in addition to the $125) or may be requested when RJS services your bar code verifier.

A new version of the VCIR software was released
The VCIR upgrade is available at no charge (for existing VCIR customers) and can be downloaded from: VCIR_Software.zip.

RJS Product History Timeline

  RJS has a long history of product development. Here is the timeline of products since the first verifier back in 1975.

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